Sunday, January 3, 2010

Brinestump Marsh: The Licktoad goblins, giant geckos and a few tribes of doppelgangers are the primary menaces that dwell in this tangled fen, but persistent rumours of Old Mengus the Swamp Witch are the real reason that locals avoid this region.

Dragon’s Punchbowl: This bowl-shaped island is little more than a series of stoney ridges surrounding a small lake; wyverns are said to roost here and rumours hold that a dragon visits the place once or twice a year for unknown reasons.

The Escarpments: These upthrust limestone pavements are bleak, stony regions. The small of the two, Ashen Rise, is relatively safe, but the edges of the Devil’s Platter are known haunts for the Birdcruncher goblins. Deeper in its rumoured that the place is controlled by devil worshipping bugbears that avoid the light of day and come out at night to light their fires.

Grubber’s Hermitage: A notorious generator of shipwrecks, this is a small isolated thorp of a dozen fishing families. Their ways are their own and they generally don’t welcome visitors. Sandpoint citizens theorize that the place is infested with lepers, ghosts, or worse.

The Moors: The moors that stretch through much of the hinterlands consists of poor quality soil and stony ground. It is devoid of most vegetation apart from thick patches of tall grass, and scattered copses of trees. Wolves, worgs and worse are said to dwell here.

The Pit: Deep in the heart of Devil’s Platter is a sunken area ending in a ten-foot hole that drops into an inky darkness. This is generally agreed to be the most likely lair of the Sandpoint Devil, yet no one has yet dared to explore its depth.

Wisher’s Well: One of the less known Thassilonian ruins, This landmark consists of what appears to be a circular stone tower only 30 feet high from the outside, but drops into a 100 feet deep shaft ending in a deep pool of water on the inside. Of course all manner of monsters are said to dwell in the flooded caverns beneath the well.